Strengthening the resilience of Textile, Aerospace, Advanced Manufacturing and Construction SMEs
Support Mechanisms
INCUBATE is about joint services for incubating cross-sectoral innovation and focuses on supporting SMEs in identifying market opportunities, needs, and pain points and connecting the different sectors favouring cross-sectoral learning, best practices exchange, and collaborative development.
INCUBATE offers SMEs numerous opportunities for cross-sectoral innovation incubating: Inter-cluster learning expeditions which consist of cross-sectoral visits to industry-leading companies followed by innovation management coaching and workshops, Cross-sectoral workshops which facilitate cross-sectoral new circular business models generation; Matchmaking and networking events and Travel vouchers (lumpsum) to foster cross-border participation in the different events.
INNOVATE focuses on customised advisory services, including assisted self-assessment and circular/ digital diagnostic, 40 hours of coaching/ training at a strategic level (business model) with programs composed of workshops and one-to-one consultancy from In Transit Consortium.
The Open Call for SMEs Circular Transformation Scheme to INNOVATE aims at supporting and guiding SMEs in the self-exploration of the current business model towards a new circular business model, improving processes or developing new products. The total number of SMEs planned to be benefited by the INNOVATE services is 100. It is estimated that 50 SMEs/ INNOVATE call will be able to receive support in the form of Services by the 2 In Transit INNOVATE calls.
DEVELOP focuses on financial support for third parties (FSTP) and more specifically on support of development projects, including 50 hours of coaching services for developing innovative and sustainable business models.
Two Open Calls for SMEs Circular Transformation Scheme to DEVELOP, which aims to directly fund innovative SMEs in the form of vouchers (lumpsum) for the implementation of projects, will be launched. The total number of SMEs to be benefited by the DEVELOP calls is 60 and the total financial support per SME is estimated up to 49k€.
SCALE-UP aims to bring solutions on the market and offers additional customised services for the new business models, leveraging additional private or public funds through the ESIF or other sources. It is focused on offering customised services to SMEs-beneficiaries of the DEVELOP tool.
In Transit Matchmaking & Info Day on May 23rd in Graz
On May 23rd, the In Transit team will organize one of the key events to support community-building and networking across the key sectors of the project: Aerospace, Construction, Textile and Advanced Manufacturing.
In Transit Online Info Day Develop Call
We have organised an Online Info-Day to present the 1st DEVELOP Call.
In Transit 1st Open Call DEVELOP is now open!
In Transit is launching its 1st DEVELOP Call for proposals. Check more info here!