Travel Vouchers



In Transit project has launched Travel Vouchers with the goal to attract and support innovative SMEs in the fields of textile, aerospace, advanced manufacturing & construction to participate in In Transit events.

SMEs can apply for Travel Vouchers in more than one event up to acumulative 4.000€ in financial contribution from travel vouchers. In any case, the total financial contribution to individual SMEs from the different In Transit vouchers cannot exceed the limit of 50.000€ per SME.

More information regarding each individual Call for Expression of Interest to receive travel vouchers is published within each eligible event.

General Voucher In Transit

Who can apply?

Companies must be a small or medium sized enterprise (SME) and declare their SME status in accordance with the SME definition of the European Union as part of the application via this link; in case of partner or linked companies, consult the guide of the SME definition via this link.

SMEs must be active in one of the 4 following sectors: aerospace, construction, textile or advanced manufacturing. In addition, applicants must be established or with a branch office in one of the 27 EU members states.

We offer Financial support!

SME’s can apply for Travel Vouchers to participate in one of the eligible events of In Transit. The full list of eligible events will be updated on the website.

Eligible events will include:

Get involved and participate in one of our events

Do you have any questions about the call?

Please send them to or fill in the following form.

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