

Are you working on the development of textile, aerospace, construction or advanced manufacturing game-changing technologies? Are you interested in cross-sectoral project partnerships?


Catch up with the webinars organized by In Transit:

Sustainability & Circular Economy in practice: strategies and tools to be implemented by SMEs

This webinar hosted by Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) introduces Circular Economy (CE) practices to have an impact for a sustainable transition: 9R and other strategies, how to implement them in the SMEs production design through the analysis of case studies. It also reasons on how to plan for a circular production to meet EU standards of sustainability.

Business Model Elaboration

This webinar hosted by Corallia and CCS provides information on the importance of understanding business models and methods of rapid prototyping & verification. Main sections to be addressed include the understanding of its visualisation, examples and patterns, as well as the difference vs. business plans and the review of digital and circular business models.

Business Planning and Financial Essentials

This webinar hosted by SPG introduces business model canvas with a focus on the cost structure – whereby the most important types of costs are discussed – as well as on the revenue streams, i.e. how to determine prices and forecast sales volumes (TAM, SAM and SOM).

Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH): how can companies be supported in their digital and green transition

This webinar hosted by PRODUTECH focus on the role of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in supporting companies in their digital and green transition. The European DIHs network is explained as well as the main areas of expertise and services to be provided. Some examples of DIHs in the partnership countries are also presented.

Industry 5.0

This webinar hosted by IRT Jules Verne and CTA makes a presentation of the main technological areas of industry 5.0: robotics and cobotics, supervision, innovative 3D printing processes, modeling and simulation, data management and drones. This is illustrated with five examples in the fields of aerospace robotics, industrial processes, construction and the medical field.

Platforms for challenge and innovation

This webinar hosted by CTA and CCS drives open innovation platforms to provide a meeting point for innovative companies and organisations that supply and demand technology, R&D&I results and S&T capabilities. Various platforms at European level providing a meeting point for enterprises, promoting networking, transnational cooperation and internationalisation of enterprises are shown during the webinar.

Lower costs and routes to the market

This webinar hosted by IDEAM Cluster delves into lower costs – factors influencing the increasing costs within industries and how to find opportunities to identify areas to control costs in terms of international costs comparison and through cross industry collaborations. It also looks at how collaborations between clusters foster internationalization through several case studies.

Firm growth and Upscaling

This webinar hosted by IDEAM Cluster addreses the following points: Comparison of firm with living creatures – survival and expansion modes; firm growth – towards agility; types of growth inducing factors – Technological, multi-dimensional (data analytics), re-skilling and upscaling; how do we measure firm growth through time periods – KPIs and environmental impact and sustainability factors’ importance.

New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

This webinar hosted by IDEAM Cluster explores data, analytics and the emergence of machine learning, as well as the importance of the connection “human + machine with data analytics” for streamlined performance. Furthermore, we are catching up and staying ahead in evolving industrial eco systems; where to start, what simple steps we could take to get teams in the direction and the importance of change management during the implementation

Exploring funding opportunities for SMES in research, innovation, technolgy transfer, and international expansion

This webinar hosted by ATEVAL and AEI Tèxtils is addressing everything you nedd to know about upcoming In Transit Develop call designed to fuel innovation within SMEs, helping you stay competitive and cutting-edge in your industry. Also, we are exploring strategies and funding sources for SMEs looking to expand their reach into international markets. Finally, we are taking a look at opportunities offered by the Euroclusters projects.